Collecting. It's an interesting eye into people you know (and people you don't). Have you ever been to a show, a gathering, a convention or group of people with similar interests that you may not share? Not likely, if you don't share it, you probably wouldn't spend the time.
I think it's interesting though, to take on even for the day, a mantle of "outsider looking in" to something a good, dear friend may really love. For example, my beau loves old cars. One day we took in a classic car museum. I am a museum girl, and love to learn, though I don't know a thing about cars. I can, however, see the artistry and view them as sculpture. I had a hard time containing a laugh, though, when I turned to confer with him about something, and he was on the floor staring up under a car with the first front wheel drive apparatus! A fellow gentleman guest was asking what it looked like, etc. I found myself seeing a whole new side of the man I love. His love for learning and knowing about cars, his curiosity, his enthusiasm was a side of him I might not have gotten the chance to see before.
I'm grateful for that and other opportunities to get some insight into my friends.
Now, who wants to go to Vegas and see the
Star Trek Experience? I KNOW I'm not the only dork around...