Wednesday, March 31, 2004

wow. i had posted a cool retro pic that came with one of those quizzes. stupid thing never showed. i'm not computer literate enough to know what was wrong, so i just deleted it.

spring looks to have finally sprung. i did see a robin last weekend, so it must be official.

i don't know what is up with me but i find myself gravitating toward pink things. a new purse with my initial on it. a ring that was $6.(and it's heart-shaped....ack!!) pink used to be my favorite color as a kid, and all the way through high school people bought me pink things and i had a pink bedroom. somewhere around senior year i decided i didn't like it anymore and began a boycott of all things pink.

i think like foods and styles, things come and go from my frame of acceptability. and that's cool.

please, somebody stop me if i try to get pink shag carpeting, though. it'll give me nightmares!!

Thursday, March 18, 2004

11 minutes on the elliptical. i ROCK. someday i'll get to the point where i DON'T look at the timer the entire time i'm on it.

and the Run Lola Run soundtrack is excellent treadmill/elliptical music. i may have a bunch of great workout tunes and not even realize it!

thin mint cookies are an excellent form of minty goodness...however...beware of "low carb" tortillas. strange texture.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

i want a shamrock shake. it's been a rite of spring for me for years.

but in weight watcher land, a small (kid size) one is 12 points. almost half my intake for the day.

i just can't bring myself to justify that. especially with girl scout cookies coming in soon.

aaaah...more minty goodness....the thin mints....

*having food fantasy fixations*

i'll likely make do with a nice low fat version of soft shell tacos. i love them, but no longer eat them at restaruants. this way i control the contents. maybe sounds snobby, but for me, it's the only way i can have my taco and eat it, too.

but i still dream of minty goodness....

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

i would like to announce that tonight, i made it a whole 10 minutes on the elliptical.

*bows to standing ovation*

thank you....that is all....

Saturday, March 06, 2004

guilty pleasure #612

Carmen + Dave

they are freaky and beautiful. and i can't stop watching. it's almost like a car wreck.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

i did my first totally on my own work-out today. my actual meeting with the very young trainer kid was two days ago, so all i really did that day was a bit of each thing, and then back onto the treadmill for 20 minutes.

it was a feeling of accomplishment to go tonight right after work. and that elliptical thing kicks my butt!! i was supposed to go for 10 mins, and could only do about 7. yow! let's just say my heart rate went OVER the targeted range. but i'll do it, i'll get there.

it's "me time", only better!

yep, now i gotta suck up the fact that it took me so long to get my butt in gear!

Monday, March 01, 2004

i read something today about someone who didn't like to watch the Oscars because it didn't encourage art.

movies can be art, but not all movies are.

i enjoy all types of movies, but also watching the movie stars. when the lights go out in the theater, i still get goosebumps. i love the whole experience.

and i love the glitz and glamour and mutual-congratulatory nature of the Academy Awards.

so sue me.