Sunday, October 19, 2003

if we realized how much work something is before we took it on, would we still do it? i think it depends on what it is. like getting a dog, for example. it seems like a good idea at the time, but those early morning walks in the snow, then perhaps we aren't so sure. but then again, i don't have a dog.

i do have, for the moment, a long distance relationship. it's not a good situation. one i would not choose, nor advise another to choose. but i also realize i cannot control who i love. so i choose to stay in this situation, hoping for the opportunity that will bring us together. until then we remain separated by family obligation and the Canadian border. except for visits. visits are the best. perhaps it increases the inensity of our feelings. or enhances it. doesn't matter. it feels good to be up to my eyeballs in the stupid dopey kind of nickname calling love. wallowing in it. bathing. doing things i said i'd never do, saying things i'd sworn i'd never say. in this case, i will not only admit i was wrong, but concede that i'm glad i was wrong.

Monday, October 06, 2003

why is anyone surprised that a family who holds money in such high esteem should produce a son who gets engaged to a woman, who, with a 1 carat diamond, can only whine because it's not the 3 carat one? sometimes all i can do is shake my head.

as when they say that youth is wasted on the young, often times money is wasted on the stupid. and even worse, they'll probably breed.

i shudder to think.

sometimes family gossip is not worth the time it took me to listen to it. there goes 5 minutes i'll never get back, damn!!