Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I am not a clothes horse, nor a big time shopper by any means. In fact, the older I get, the less I like to just browse. Coupled with that though, as I get older, I find I'm fussier about my shoes. I can't wear those cheap ones that cost $15 anymore. I have hard to fit feet and have spent too many days in shoes that "sort of" fit.

I found a couple of pairs of shoes yesterday for about $39 each. These were both in clearance type stores, so the shoes had both originally been priced at least double that amount, each. I think this is a great find. I think I'm pretty darn smart and spiffy. I think I'm in love with shoes that don't pinch or rub or make me want to walk barefoot.

At the same time, though, there is a small feeling of guilt. "Are you sure you should spend that much?", that voice inside my head says. "Shut up!", I say. I am worth it. Plus if I add up how many times I have to replace the cheap shoes, the shoes I just bought are actually the better investment.

Wow. I must be maturing. Or something. I just called my shoes an investment.

Or maybe that's just a justification for buying nicer things. It's not like I'm racking up credit card debt on $300 shoes like Carrie Bradshaw or something.

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