Wednesday, April 21, 2004

sometimes it seems like things just "happen TO us". like Yahoo decided that my password is invalid and i can't see my email or use my messenger. it sucks, but what can i do?

then sometimes no matter how hard we try to work well, or fast, things are just too busy for us to keep up. there are only so many hours in a day.

i used to get all stressed out at work. now, i simply do my best, and then go home. i can't possibly do more. and now things have slowed a bit, so we may get caught up. the trick is to not make more work for ourselves by cutting corners. and have a good attitude and sense of humor.

the only thing we can control, after all, is our reactions to what life throws at us.

oooh, and i'm up to 13.5 minutes on the ellipitcal...i ROCK!!!!!!!!

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